Names of God Prayer Journal and Coloring Books

Chore or Quality Time?
God wants to spend time with us. He
never meant it to be a chore. Many times, we're pressured to spend time with
God. Well-meaning churches, friends, or even ourselves expect us to spend “X”
amount of time with Him.
When we remove the rules of how long and how we spend time with Him, it becomes a pleasure.
The best part of this Pray Journal, is
you look forward to spending time with God. And not just spend time, but
encounter the Living God in a deeper way. So not only will find the time, but
you’ll also look forward to being with Him and getting to know Him. He wants a
relationship with you. One way you can spend time with Him is to meditate on one
of the Names of God.
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Names of God: Prayer Journal and Coloring Book
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