Hurt No More! A Journey of Healing from Abuse

Hurt No More: A Journey of Healing from Abuse
Beautiful Prayers A Journey of Healing from Abuse

About Prayer for Healing: If you are experiencing hopelessness from the pain of abuse, don’t wait, this book will bring you comfort, God’s comfort through the prayers that healed me.

Over the last few months I have been thinking about what I can do to help women who are suffering with abuse. I knew I needed to do something more.

So for a short period of time I am offering to deliver one chapter of this book each week to your email box.

Hurt No More! Prayer for Healing


This book was written to help bring hope and healing into the lives of those who have been abused.

Countless women suffer with personal wounds so deep and painful that they are trapped in a vicious cycle of hopelessness. God wants you healed and whole, enjoying the overflowing with abundance life that He planned just for you.

God made sure this book, Hurt No More! Prayer for Healing got into your hands so that you will hurt no more.

He has a great future for you, but it requires that you partner with Him, and read the prayers, Scriptures, and affirmations in this book daily.

You are about to begin your journey of healing, but please understand that it’s a process. There’s no magic pill that will instantly bring healing and wholeness to your mind, body, and spirit.

People do not wake up one day suddenly feeling defeated, hopeless, and depressed.

Years of negative thoughts, beliefs, and habits are deeply ingrained in us, they have shaped how we view our world, and we cannot expect them to disappear overnight.

To be truly healed and whole, we must learn to acknowledge that we deserve nothing less than a happy, full life. This book will take you on a journey of self-healing as you partner with God, our ultimate Physician.

My Beloved Reader:

My prayer is that through this journey you truly come to know God’s love for you, that you will have a deep understanding that He has chosen you for a purpose, and you will realize that you are His precious masterpiece.

I pray that God will show you the path to enjoying life to its fullest, and you will see how valuable you are, and how you are worth investing in.

May you sense the comfort of God while experiencing His peace, and find hope in His promises. I pray that your days will be tranquil and calm as you work toward hurting no more.

I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

As you read the Scripture-based prayers in this book each day, and meditate on Scripture, you will discover that the Word of God will renew you, and bring true joy and peace into your life.

You will come to know the Lord intimately and passionately, and will develop a rich fellowship with Him—an experience unlike any you have had before. The prayer for healing is intended for you to heal.

May you be blessed and treasure this joyous journey toward healing!

In His Love,

Kelly Ann Evers

Founder, His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help

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