Dynamic Prayers, Changed Lives: Prayers and Mandala Coloring Book
I want you to know abuse is never okay – EVER! And I promise you, God will NOT let the
abuser get by with it. God’s love for
you is so deep and so intense, that the pain you experience, He experiences.
When you cry, He cries.
When you hurt, He hurts. He knows
your pain and suffering is very real and very damaging. God has a lot to say about verbal, physical,
mental, financial and sexual abuse.
After reading this book you will know beyond a shadow of a
doubt that God has a zero tolerance for abuse. In fact, over 800 Scriptures talk about
He wants you to know that regardless of what you’ve been
told or shamed into believing, God does not condone abuse ever. And God Himself says it’s not okay –
I know you will cherish the precious words of God as He
reveals His heart to you throughout this book.
As a result, readings and meditating on the Scriptures in this book, you
will experience total freedom and lasting joy.
And that freedom is the most wonderful thing you will ever
experience – I promise!
There is not one tear shed that He doesn’t see.
Not one hurt
or pain that doesn’t go unnoticed.
Not one violent
act that hasn’t been recorded.
God Himself says
that He will wipe away every tear.
He will
not send someone to wipe your tears
… He will wipe away every tear Himself.
He says that there will be no more mourning, no more sorrow
and no more pain. He says He will make
everything brand new. God is devastated
by the abuse done to you. He is not only
devastated by it, but feels the pain you’ve felt.
There is a Greek word, “splagchnizomai” that is used in
conjunction with the compassion of Jesus.
Whenever Jesus was going to heal someone, this word is used.
The best way to describe this word would be Jesus actually
enters into the pain someone is suffering.
His love is so deep that He actually experiences the same identical pain
or emotion we feel.
He was so deeply moved with compassion that their pain is
His pain, and through that deep level of compassion He is able to heal.
This is what Jesus is doing with you this very moment. As He sees your tears and witnesses the abuse
done to you – it is equivalent to the abuser abusing Jesus. He feels your pain fully, and He is
devastated by it.
No one can ever really understand the pain we feel, even
someone who has endured the same abuse – but the Almighty God does. He sees your hurts, your pain, the sorrow and
He says, He is coming and He will take it away.
Did you ever cry out to God begging, pleading, wishing He’d
help, intervene? Have you ever cried out
to Him saying “Where are you God? Why
are you allowing this? Don’t you see
what is happening? They are hurting me
and my children, they are destroying me and I see no way out, I am all alone
and there is no one to help me.”
I felt God didn’t hear me.
I felt very alone. But God does
see the pain and abuse and loneliness we feel; and He promises that by no means
will He let the guilty go unpunished.
There is no wrong done by an unrepentant sinner that will be
Everyone who has wronged you will be held accountable for
all that has been done to you.
This promise book has been created to introduce you to my
God, the God of Justice and the God of Protection. As a former victim of monstrous domestic
violence, I never believed God protected me.
I knew His word, I knew that He protects – just not me. It seemed like justice was on the side of my
abusers, they “won” in court; they were not held accountable for the severe
abuse suffered, for the crime they committed, and for the years of pain my
children and I suffered even long after we left him.
I looked at all my horrible past and asked God, “If you
loved me then why did they win and get by with it?” But what I discovered was that God will judge
all people according to what they have done.
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