Why Does He Keep Hurting Me? Inside the Mind of an Abuser ... Angry. Violent. Men

In this book, Why Does He Keep Hurting Me?  Inside the Mind of An Abuser“  Domestic Violence expert, Kelly Ann Evers reveals the truth about angry, violent, abusive and controlling men.

Evers shines light into what makes abusive men tick, giving women an eye-opening view of an abuser’s tactics.  She answers questions like:

•Why does he keep hurting me?
•Can I trust him?
•Is it normal for one day to be Mr.  Wonderful, the next Mr. Violent?
•He blames me for him beating me.  Is it my fault?
•Everyone loves my husband.  why isn't he like that with me?
•When he drinks, he is more violent. Is that normal?
•Why can’t I make him happy? 
•He says, “if you do what I want, this won’t happen to you.”
•What’s wrong with me?

Are you curious about your safety, abusers’ tactics, excuses they make, warning signs, understand each levels of abuse from subtle, insidious put-downs to full-out tantrums of name-calling, screaming, and threatening, to violent physical abuse?  Angry violent men are masterful at manipulating his partner.  With years of learning how to control his subjects, he can masterfully twist a situation around so much, that she begins to doubt her own beliefs.
