A Thousand Scriptures: God's Word on Domestic Violence .... because love should never hurt!

 Did you know there are over 2000 Scriptures on Domestic Violence? God has a lot to say about it.
Scripture talks about physical, mental, sexual, psychological abuse.
Scriptures says a lot about abusers lying in court, how He sees abusers and how He responds to anyone who abuses women and children.
Domestic Violence is the antithesis of God's Word; and He has ZERO tolerance for any kind of abuse. If you or someone you know is being abused, buy them one of these books. If you're a pastor, I've written one specifically for you! These will be in print just before the New Year. Make it a resolution to help you or someone you know heal from abuse!

A Thousand Scriptures: A 1000 More Scriptures: God's Word on Domestic Violence... because love should never hurt!

A Thousand Scriptures: Pastor Edition, God's Word on Domestic 
Violence and How He Responds to it... because love should never hurt

A Thousand Scriptures: God's Word on Domestic Violence
and How He Responds to It ... because love should never hurt.
