Cozy Up with a Good Book!

I want you to know, the abuse done to you is not okay – EVER!  And I promise you, God will not let the abuser get by with it.  God’s love for you is so deep and so intense that the pain you experience, He experiences.

When you cry, He cries.  When you hurt, He hurts. 

He knows your pain and suffering is very real and very damaging, and He wants you to know how He feels about it. 

In this book you will see how He cares for you, what He will do for you, and how He will take care of the abuser.  The Word of God has a lot to say about verbal, physical, mental, financial and sexual abuse.   

After reading this book you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has a zero tolerance for abuse. 

Kelly Ann Evers is the founder of His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help™ organization.  HLH is an international organization dedicated to declaring the love of Jesus to victims and survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help is founded on biblical principles that teach victims of domestic and sexual abuse how to live life to its fullest without a victim approach. Along with partnering with 1000’s of organizations nationally and internationally, HLH provides understanding of domestic violence, crisis mentoring, safety planning, pastoral training and information, referrals, life skill tools, confidential and non-traceable online support, One Step at a Time Program, living with a batterer tools, escape planning, and more.  
