Transformed into God's Beauty -- A 7 Day Journey of Healing
Transformed into God's Beauty A 7-Day Journey of Healing
Blessings, Beloved Women of God! Jesus has something special planned just for you today. Yes, it is your day for the remarkable to happen. I pray you will wait with hope and expectation for His love to touch you in a special way!
In 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NASB) it says, “But we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” This Scripture is speaking about being transformed into Jesus’ image.
The word “transformed” in Greek is metamorphoo; this is where we get the English word metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is the remarkable process of a caterpillar going through the transformation from a caterpillar to the pupa, and from the pupa to a butterfly. The struggle of the little creature to get out of the pupa is intense, and each day as she fights for freedom, she gets stronger.
In fact, when people interfere with the process and open the pupa to free her, the butterfly comes out weak, unfinished, and unable to fly. It is this determined effort to free herself that strengthens the butterfly, that forms her wings into its perfect shape; and makes her beautiful. Likewise, the struggles that God allows into our own lives help beautify, strengthen, and shape us into His image. All the while He says, “I am right by your side, I am watching over you, and in just a little while My beauty will shine forth from you.” What a loving God!
May His beauty shine forth for all to see!
In the beauty of His love,
P.S. Begin your 7 Day Journey here: P.S.S. Copy each day into a journal so you can have a record of your transformation!
Day 1:
Do you feel like you are facing horrific difficulties? Do you feel like jumping ship? It’s not unusual. Each of us face difficulties at times, and many times we don’t want to face them. We would rather wave the white flag and give up. But today is a new day! Today we are going to begin to see that we are a caterpillar on our way to being a beautiful butterfly. Spend a few minutes writing down what difficulties that are going on in your life. Now spend a few minutes writing down what life would be like if you didn’t have to struggle with these difficulties. ¬ How would you like to see your:
Personal life:
Family life:
Spiritual life:
Work life:
Today I believe the Lord wants to begin beautifying, strengthening and shaping you into that beautiful butterfly He knows you to be.
Journal a prayer that expresses to the Lord your heart’s desire of what was written above. Share with Him what you long to see in yourself and in all other areas of your life.
Now ask the Lord to speak to you. Write down what is in your heart.
Day 2:
1 Peter 3:4 ERV says, “No, your beauty should come from inside you—the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. That beauty will never disappear. It is worth very much to God.”
God sees beauty in the inner person not the outward appearance. He knows that through His transformation your beauty will shine forth.
How do you think He is beautifying you? Describe the beautifying through your struggles.
Google “pictures of butterflies” find a butterfly that is beautiful to you. Print it out and put it somewhere where you can look at it daily to remind yourself that you are in the great transformation to being a beautiful butterfly.
Day 3:
Read a few times out loud Psalm 37:39-40 ERV
“The Lord saves those who are good. When they have troubles, He is their strength. The Lord helps good people and rescues them. They depend on Him, so he rescues them from the wicked.”
What does it mean to you?
How does this apply to you in this season?
Journal a prayer talking to the Lord about Him strengthening and rescuing you. What did the Lord impress upon you?
Day 4:
Reading the above devotional in Day 1, it talks about God being by our side as we are going through our struggles. Today I want you to copy the scriptures below and read them throughout the day. These scriptures will remind you that God is with you and He is fighting your battle.
“…the Lord says to you: ‘Don’t be afraid or worry about this large army, because the battle is not your battle. It is God’s battle! You will not have to fight this battle. Just stand there and watch the Lord save you… don’t be afraid. Don’t worry, the Lord is with you….” (2Chron. 20:15, 17 ERV)
“Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Do not be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 ERV)
“I will not be afraid of bad news. I am confident because I trust in the Lord. I remain confident without fear, so I will defeat my enemies.” (Psalm 112:7-8 paraphrased)
“God will cover me with His wings; I will be safe in His care; His faithfulness will protect and defend me. I need not fear any dangers at night or sudden attacks during the day. (Psalm 91:4-5 GNT)
Day 5:
Did you notice that reading and meditating on yesterday’s scriptures calmed your fears and gave you confidence in what you are facing? Reading scriptures brings peace to any situation we face. Go to “Biblical Promises” to find more scriptures that pertain to your situations.
Today search the scriptures or “Biblical Promises” to find more scriptures that will help you with peace and confidence in every circumstance you are facing. Describe your experience as you read through the scriptures throughout the day. Ask the Lord to teach you to focus on Him in this time of struggles.
What did He impress upon you?
Day 6:
Now that you have had an opportunity to see what God’s transformation is and how he uses it to strengthen you. What circumstances is He using right now to grow you and strengthen you?
Write a prayer asking God to continue to grow you and strengthen you. Ask Him to continually remind you that you are a beautiful butterfly in progress.
Day 7:
Based on this week’s lessons and journaling time, what did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about who God wants you to be? What has God spoken to you?
What are the next steps you need to take to be continually growing in God’s strength and beauty?