God's Construction Zone

God’s Construction Zone
Blessings, Beloved Women of God! Jesus has something special planned just for you today. Yes, it is your day for the remarkable to happen. I pray you will wait with hope and expectation for His love to touch you in a special way!
Not long ago, I was driving on a road that was under construction. On the right side of the road was a flashing sign that read “Rough Road Ahead.”
As I slowly moved forward through the construction zone, the pavement dropped slightly, then became loose gravel. Two days later, when I passed the same construction zone, I noticed the sign had been changed to “Bumpy Road Ahead.” The next time I saw the sign it read “Uneven Road.” I pondered the parallel of each road sign to the Christian walk. As we travel through the construction zone of our lives we too endure some rough roads, life gets bumpy, and we sometimes become unbalanced.
Days later, I eventually had the opportunity to gain speed on that road that was undergoing construction, but as I sped up, the gravel from the ground began to pelt my car. In parallel, as Christians we get pelted with a few rocks that may dent us, but as we go deeper into the Lord those dents build character and develop more of the Fruit of the Spirit in us.
Furthermore, while on the road to our destiny, if we try to speed through God’s Construction Zone, or through the hard times, we actually delay His great plan for us. But if we slow down and work with God to accomplish what His goal and destiny is for us, and allow God to navigate our journey, we will go from glory to glory. Once we successfully pass through God’s Construction Zone, Jesus’ reflection is seen in us and He posts a sign that reads “Construction Zone Ends.” The wondrous outcome of this journey is that we become more like Jesus.
May you enjoy your journey! In His Precious Love, Kelly
